Some political movements today seem to challenge the hegemony of citizenship. Examining them under the lens of noncitizenism can help to interrogate this further. Doing this can also help to develop the way in which both noncitizenship and citizenship are understood. Several such movements have been introduced in this book, and have been important in building its notion of noncitizenship. Some of them will now be explored in additional detail. This includes both informal and formal processes. It includes high-level international processes, like that which led to the development of the Domestic Workers Convention 2011, for example. It also includes the mundane everyday realities of migration itself as a noncitizenist political movement. The language of noncitizenship can help to identify how these and other movements can simultaneously be seen as part of a larger noncitizenism and maintain their distinctive claims. Importantly, each of these movements has also emphasised the continuity between the different locations of noncitizenship activation.