Over the past few decades questions have periodically surfaced regarding the nature and basic features of Futures Studies (FS). Fruitful initial answers have been provided by what have now become classics of the field, such as the pioneering Art of Conjecture by De Jouvenel (1967) or the extensive Foundations of Future Studies by Bell (2011). Poli (2011) provides a more detailed reconstruction of the field. More recently a series of five workshops, called the Futures Meeting (FuMee, 2013) used the European COST initiative on foresight methodologies (2011) as a springboard for research into the founding principles, cross-cutting foundations and key concepts that define the evolving field of Futures Studies (see Miller and Poli, 2010 for papers published from the first FuMee). A recent issue of On the Horizon (Poli, 2013, p. 1) adds further elements to the discussion. In addition, the Association of Professional Futurists (APF) published The Future of Futures (Curry, 2012), seeking to clarify how to define Futures Studies (see for example, Miller, 2012).