Our book has sought to both develop on and encourage further discussions of queer spiritual spaces rejecting the assumptions that gender/sexual difference and spirituality are polar opposites, reproduced in the debate by both of those quoted above, and also rejecting that ‘Islamic Theocracies’ in ‘other’ countries are the only ones causing harm. Because of our interdisciplinary authorship, this book sits at the nexus of queer, spiritual/religious studies, sociological and geographical enquiry, which at times means that there are divergences and disagreements as well as coherences. Sally gave a rather ‘cultural studies’ introduction; however this conclusion does something very different. The chapter, written from the perspective of a social/cultural geographer, draws links from Sally’s exposition of queer spiritual spaces to explore, in a more

grounded (literally!1) way, the implications of the data in order to explore how our work on queer spiritual spaces can be used and extended. In working with the team, the conclusion in the main reflects our ideas and proposed ways forward, but retains the non-reductionist approach which allows differences among us and our agendas.