To reform the international institutional architecture, funding global environmental policy is one of the most difficult tasks, both because of the volume of the funds required and in view of the associated global distributional conflicts between net providers and net recipients of funds. It is also one of the most necessary tasks.The potential for conflict is apparent in the present situation, in which OECD countries are steadily reducing their share of gross national product (GNP) allocated to development cooperation transfers, while financial requirements rise and these countries persistently criticize the inefficient and ineffective structures by which interntional organizations spend the funds. The present report has illustrated repeatedly that, in view of the interconnections among economic and social development and changes in the global environment, the financial requirements of global environment and development policy go well beyond the internationally agreed target, confirmed in the UNCED follow-up process, of a GNP share for development cooperation of 0.7 per cent. The Council therefore reaffirms its recommendation that efforts be made to increase this share over the long term to 1 per cent of GNP.