The last chapter described a range of effective community safety initiatives at various scales of governance. The case studies presented suggested a set of process criteria that ideally would be met for maximum effectiveness and success. However, very few of these community safety initiatives in the last chapter met all of these ideal criteria: broad-based partnership-building; thorough diagnosis; an analysis that encompassed all forms of violence; comprehensive strategies that galvanized available resources and met identified needs; and an evaluation of strategies that was able to prove a causative relationship between interventions and impacts. While many of the case studies implicitly recognized gender differences, such as Bogotá’s Women’s Night Out (see Box 4.5) or providing positive role models to young boys in the Danish housing estate (see Box 4.3), very few met the criteria of gender mainstreaming defined by the Irish National Development Plan, which suggests integrating gender in programme governance, data collection and needs analysis, project design and implementation, and evaluation (National Development Plan (Ireland) Gender Equality Unit, 2002).