The restorative justice projects analysed here are unique in relation to the complexity and levels of violence which characterise much of their casework. As indicated in the previous chapter, they were established and have operated independently of the state and as such represent a truly grass-roots response to crime and antisocial behaviour. The models of restorative justice utilised by Alternatives and CRJI differ in terms of the remit within which they have been able to work, due to paramilitary influences, and the organic development of practice that reflected the needs of their particular communities. There are also differences among the projects within each community. For example, the practices of Alternatives on the Shankill and in North Belfast are mainly concerned with young people and victims, whereas the Alternatives IMPACT project on the Kilcooley estate in Bangor has had a much wider remit for reasons related to the physical make-up of the community, the nature of the paramilitary presence, the needs of the community, and the leadership displayed by practitioners. Even though several models of practice belong within a restorative justice framework, the community projects in Northern Ireland mostly employ a combination of victim-offender mediation and family group conferencing. Many of the values evident in restorative circles (Stuart and Pranis 2006), however, such as involving the wider community and paying greater attention to both preparation and follow-up support for victims and offenders, also form a prominent part of the practices in both communities.