A ccording to a survey by the Coalition on the A cadem ic Workforce (C A W ), a group of twenty-five disciplinary associations, part-time and non-ten­ ure-track faculty comprise a large percentage o f those responsible for first-year writing instruction. In the CA W /M odern Language A ssociation “Survey,” nearly one third (32 percent) o f those who teach introductory writ­ ing courses situated in English departm ents are part-time faculty. A n addi­ tional one tenth (9.5 percent) are full-time, non-tenure-track faculty, and 22.2 percent are graduate student teaching assistants (“M LA Survey,” Table 2). Thus, in English departm ents only one third o f all instructional staff who teach writing courses are full-time, tenured, or tenure-track faculty (36.3 percent). In the C A W /C C C C survey o f freestanding writing programs, those that constitute a departm ent with a separate budget and instructional lines from English departm ents, approxim ately one fifth (18.2 percent) o f first-year writing courses are taught by full-time, non-tenure-track faculty, one third (32.5 percent) are taught by part-time faculty, and alm ost half (42.5 percent) by graduate teaching assistants. Only 6.9 percent o f introductory writing courses are staffed by tenured and tenure-track faculty (Cox A 1 3 -1 4 ) . Clearly, part-time and non-tenure-track faculty comprise a signifi­

cant percentage o f those responsible for teaching general education writing requirements.