Creating "Creation Science" In chapter 1, I argued that many sociological accounts of the role and position of science in modernity adopt the discourse of rationalization in which a monolithic science is presented as impacting in a uniform way on the wider culture and consciousness of the modem. It is now time to focus on how this discourse works in those specific accounts directed at under­ standing and explaining creation science. This involves showing how creation science is constructed to suit the rationalization hypothesis. Within this hypothesis, science is presented as a separate kind of thing, which behaves in one kind of way in relation to the wider society: Science acts and society reacts. Given this, creation science itself is presented as a response to this influence. It is also presented as not science, as a thing outside of science, clearly demarcated from it, and as a phenomenon that has reappeared in an unexpected and surprising way, like an unwanted weed, thrusting back into a tidy social order when it was thought to have been eradicated. A key point is that creationism is constructed as new, albeit in the sense of a return of the departed, and like science only in the sense of being another monolithic entity, albeit one that is essentially religious, rather than scientific.