In March at Dartington Hall School (1926–1987), Totnes, Devon, Leonard Knight Elmhurst (1873–1974) advised a visitor, Dr. Oscar A. Oeser (1904–1983), to seek Rockefeller Foundation funds for a study of juvenile unemployment in Dundee. Oeser, then head of the Psychological Laboratory of the University of St. Andrews, outlined the suggestion to Sir James Irvine, the principal of the University, and he recommended approaching the Pilgrim Trust, London. Oeser’s assistant lecturer, Watson O’Dell Pierce had already prepared a research proposal for a study of juvenile unemployment in Manchester. The Medical Research Council had insufficient funds for the research. 1 Oeser added his ideas for Dundee, and presented the proposal to Sir James to approach the Pilgrim Trust. The Trust approved the research on July 27, 1935. 2