SO HERE IS MY SECOND TOP TIP: start before you start. When the new role officially kicks in, in whatever way that is reflected in your organisation, be prepared with preliminary due diligence under your belt and an approach for what your first three months are going to look like. Think of it like the timeline below:

T-10 -> 0 -> 30 -> 60 -> 90

Use those 10 days before you are effectively in post to do your fact-finding and early networking. The suggested plan below assumes that you are already within the organisation and have access to the people and information you need to undertake your research. If you are new to the organisation, you could use this plan once you have started. It is developed from a model shared by Simon Berry, a leading business coach. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781351275927/f4a40d98-9246-41e1-907b-fbcdd08f645f/content/fig2.jpg"/>

Define objectives - what is it, specifically, that your sponsor(s) wants you to do, i.e. why were you given the role? What are you going to do?

Meet & greet - find out as much as you can about the organisation, find and meet as many stakeholders as time allows, ask questions, listen to responses.

26 Conduct SWOT - what issues can you see, root causes, opportunities to be leveraged and dots that can be joined; where are the gaps?

Clarify approach - what is your way forward; identify some quick wins, and the resources needed. Do you know everything you need to right now?

Recalibrate objectives - with what you have discovered so far, how are you going to achieve your objectives? How are you going to measure success?