In Australia, there are three levels of government – national, state, and local – all of which are involved in the formulation and application of microeconomic policy. The Australian Government’s 1 responsibilities include such things as financial market regulation, health insurance, telecommunications, postal services, aviation, agricultural policy that involves international trade, corporation law (including the Competition and Consumer Act), higher education, trade policy (including tariffs and quotas), immigration policy, and a range of other areas. The state governments exercise regulatory powers over such things as electricity and gas retail, environmental matters, ports and rail, occupational health and safety, liquor licensing, gambling, secondary and vocational education and training and so on. Local government also has powers over such things as local planning and zonal regulations. The demarcation between the three levels is not at all clear cut in some areas, and at times more than one level is involved, such as in the areas of energy policy, education, and industrial relations.