Included in the social policy area is health care provision. In modern times health care provision is one of the major forms of government intervention and policy making. Governments may be involved in the health care system in a variety of ways, directly paying for health care, subsidising individual purchases of health care and health insurance, providing health care services, financing and conducting research, preventing the spread of communicable diseases and regulating drugs and medical devices. In addition, tax concessions are given to encourage the take-up of private insurance. In Australia, the government is involved in each of these areas, but to a lesser degree than in some countries, such as Britain, where the major health care delivery system is run by the government. Public health services are provided by all levels of government: local, state, territory and Australian. Private sector health service providers include private hospitals, medical practitioners and pharmacies. Primary health care is delivered in a variety of settings, including general practices, community health centres and allied services, as well as within the community, and may incorporate activities such as public health promotion and prevention. Primary health care accounts for almost as much health spending as hospital services (36 per cent compared to 38 per cent in 2014). Secondary care is medical care provided by a specialist or facility upon referral by a primary care physician. In Australia hospital services are provided by both public and private hospitals. In 2011/12 there were 1,345 hospitals in Australia (AIHW 2013).