In Chapter 4 I highlighted the importance of studying the text's composition and production, identifying these as central to any discussion of its formal and thematic concerns, and pointed out the need to unite an examination of the editorial practice and publishing history of Pirandello's novel with a critical discussion of it. Examining the text as both an ideal and a material creation inevitably brings into question the status of the author as producer of the text, and interrogates the links between publication, the manipulation of the text after publication, and the spontaneity of the writing act. I would like to extend this type of dual focus to Pirandello's last novel, Uno, nessuno e centomila, the third in his 'trilogy' of first-person narrator novels, after Il fu Mattia Pascal in 1904 and Si gira! (1915-16) (published in 1925 as Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio).