In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn does not merely undermine the epistemological foundations of scientific objectivity, he undermines its moral foundations as well. Kuhn claims that the choices scientists make from among different, incommensurable but in some sense equally plausible paradigms are ultimately subjective, determined by such factors as ‘personal and inarticulate aesthetic considerations.’ Since we have little control over such personal factors, Kuhn implies that scientists do not act freely, but are moved by factors outside their own control (1970: 56, 75, passim) – at least in the crucial stages of their professional lives. (How they might still act freely at other stages is not clear from Kuhn.) If scientists are not in control of their minds, then the ideas they choose to adopt will correspond with reality – will be true – only by accident. Furthermore, if we understand objectivity as a conscious policy of pursuing objective truth, of basing one’s beliefs on objective evidence rather than on subjective factors, then Kuhn implies that objectivity is impossible as well.