Building on the findings regarding Bangladesh’s national ownership in the PRSP that served as the development model for Bangladesh during 2003–2010, this chapter discusses policy implications for Bangladesh’s true ownership in adopting a national development agenda. The analysis of this book primarily captures the nature and scope of engagement of principal stakeholders in the formulation of PRSP; it also examines the extent of independence of engagement of stakeholders. Bangladesh, ever since its independence has been deeply influenced by the World Bank and the IMF and also other donors in terms of development policy choice; this influence was further strengthened in the 1980s with Bangladesh’s engagement with the SAP. The analysis of the historical interface between development partners and the government of Bangladesh in development policy formulation underscores that this relationship is very strong and symbiotic. Therefore, this analysis makes an important contribution to existing knowledge regarding the political economy of development agenda setting in developing countries. Though this case study is largely devoted to Bangladesh’s own context, yet it may also serve as a good reference point for many aid recipient countries struggling to demonstrate leadership and ownership in their development journey.