The Islamic tradition refers to the Meccans as the Emigrants, whereas the Medinans became known as the Helpers. Western medieval literature also cherished the concept of Muhammad as a god and portraying Muslims as praying to him. Pre-Islamic Arabia was inhabited by nomadic Bedouins and settled town dwellers who both were motivated by self-interest and self-preservation. The Qur'an has had the ability to affect people by motivating them to behave in a certain way, reflecting its dynamic nature to transform people and events and a compulsive aspect to coerce or prohibit actions and thoughts. The worldview reflected by the Qur'an represents a system based on conceptual opposition concerning an ontological, communicative, Lord-servant distinction, an ethical feature, two divisions of community, and a twofold view of the world. Muslim women have traditionally married at a young age, within the social context of arranged marriages that are considered contracts and not sacraments.