It can be argued, with much supporting evidence, that one of the most serious problems hindering the process of development in the developing world is the lack! of efficacious administrative institutions and competent personnel to run them. It is this lack, more than anything else, that is the prime concern of many scholars and administrators in the Third World. Even with abundant monetary and economic resources, as is the case with some developing nations, these countries are in desperate need of highly qualified administrators and managers to organize such resources. For without wise and thoughtful organization and institutions, resources will be wasted and depleted through mismanagement. For any country the price of mismanagement is high, often prohibitive. In these times of rapid change, all of the developing nations, including those in the Muslim world, 'are caught up in the processes of social change, not just the continuous change that any society undergoes, but change that is critical and disruptive' (Heady, 1979:243).