A new client, Joe, takes a seat in your office. He is middle-aged, but looks older than his stated age. It is obvious that he is not happy about having this consultation. After the introductions have been made and you have inquired politely about his social and vocational situations, you ask him about his appetite and the strength of his digestion. This surprises him because he was expecting you to ask about his drinking-the reason he believes this consultation was scheduled. You don’t. Instead, you ask what he ate yesterday and whether this was typical for him. Then you ask him what time he went to bed last night. Again, he expresses surprise. Next, you ask how well he slept. Then, you inquire about his bowel habits. Final­ ly, you ask him about the clarity of his thinking, his memory, and about whether he feels happy and satisfied with his life. You note how he has answered your questions: the rate of speech, the ges­ tures and accessory movements, the quality of his voice, etc. You conclude your examination by checking his pulse.