Objective Many of us have a strong reaction to the word "suicide." It brings up thoughts and feelings

based upon our past personal and professional experiences, our beliefs, and our own fears of death. The thought of losing a client to suicide is anxiety producing and may be a nightmare for many clinicians. In a national study, 97 percent of clinicians were afraid of losing a client to suicide, second only to fear of physical assault (Pope & Tabachnick, 1993)

"There are two kinds of clinicians, those who have lost a client to suicide and those who will lose a client to suicide" (Marshall Swartzburg, MD, personal communication, 1981, in Jones, 1987, p. 127). The suicide of a client has been described as an "occupational hazard" for clinicians (Chemtob, Bauer, Hamada, Pelowski, & Muraka, 1989, p. 294). It can happen, and it will happen, given the work you do. As caregivers, you are likely to work with suicidal clients and are vulnerable to losing a client to suicide. .