Although the intervention described in this chapter does not claim to replicate a true "reflecting team" approach, it does attempt to offer a more feasible way of achieving a similar effect in session. In order to employ a reflecting team approach per Andersen (1991) and colleagues, a therapist would normally need to have a group of professionals who are trained in theory and method of reflecting teams and are available during a session to perform a reflecting team. While the therapeutic potential of such an intervention should be recognized, the logistics of having such therapist resources in actual clinical settings can be difficult or somewhat impractical to achieve. Because most therapists work in settings where they either practice alone or with other therapists who typically have their own time constraints and sizeable caseloads, the logistics of availability become a problem. At best, a pair of therapists may be able to team up to do co therapy but even this would still be insufficient to employ a true reflecting team approach. Indeed, training and academic settings may be the only environments where sufficient numbers of therapists can be trained and available to do a traditional reflecting team approach.