The majority of people go through life repressing certain emotions, actions, or traits. For most, this repression is a normal part of regulating thoughts and actions. For example, most children learn at a young age that they cannot scream obscenities on the playground or ask why someone does not have any hair. Sometimes, however, children (and even adults) learn to repress everyday emotions and actions. This may be the result of trying to live up to an image or playing out a role in a family. This postulation has been well documented among alcoholic families, as children often take on dysfunctional family roles, such as hero, scapegoat, lost child, or mascot (Hetherington, 1988; Mapes, Johnson, & Sandler, 1984; Veronie & Fruehstorfer, 2001). The repression of feelings can create a metaphorical mask-one portrays an image to the outside world while hiding certain traits that he or she feels would be viewed as deviant or weak. Although it can be adaptive and protective for a person to hide certain emotions, this repression can be problematic if taken to an extreme and should be addressed.