This chapter outlines the key elements in the Long Term Athlete Development Programme. It explains the process of talent identification and talent transfer. With knowledge gained from the Soviet Bloc countries, the athletic performance development model, known as the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model was developed by Istvan Balyi. The LTAD was originally developed in 1990 as a four-stage model and further evolved from five stages in 2001 to six stages in 2004. In 1976, 80 per cent of Bulgarian medallists were the result of a thorough talent identification process. The aim of talent detection and identification provides an 'accurate prediction of those individuals who have the potential to compete at world-class levels'. 'Talent transfer is one area of talent identification that is shown to have merit in fast tracking talent, which involves elite athletes, and retired or nearly retired elite athletes switching sports and being provided with structured second chance opportunities to trial in a similar sport'.