Although Arabic is an old language it is also a lively language that constantly adjusts to outside input or inside pressure. This flexibility allows for the creation of new words, a task that is very much needed in our time of innovation, exchange and globalization. There are some linguists and traditionalists who like to preserve the historic character of Arabic and support indigenous solutions when introducing new words instead of simply borrowing from English. Before the IT revolution, the Arabic Language Academies were active in the formation of Arabic answers to new words like vacuum cleaner (ةيئابرهكلا ةسنكلما – electric broom) or satellite (يعانصلا رمقلا – industrial moon). Today it is much more difficult first to come up with an original phrase and second to convince the masses to use it. Thus, most Arabs will use (لييما) instead of (ةينوتركللاا ةلاسرلا) and (رتويبمك) instead of (بوسالحا). For the non-native speaker this often makes it easier because English loan words have become more common, especially among the younger generation. But don’t be fooled: this only works for a few words and they are still used according to Arabic syntax!