An interesting infographic titled Data Never Sleeps 4.0 (Domo, 2016) highlights the amount of activity and information that is generated every minute on the internet. The amount of activity and information generated is staggering! The infographic indicates, for example, that every minute 400 hours of new video are shared on YouTube and 9,678 tweets are sent. Granted, not all of the information shared on the internet is valid or reliable—thus, there is the need for individuals to have the ability to effectively sift through the information to organize and share it in ways that are meaningful. One approach to accomplish this is digital curation. Rosenbaum (2011) wrote that “Curation is about selection, organization, presentation, and evolution. While computers can aggregate content, information, or any shape or size of data, aggregation without curation is just a big pile of stuff that seems related but lacks a qualitative organization” (p. 4). In this chapter, we discuss how to use three different tools to create open educational resources (OERs) consisting of curated digital media.