In 1636 Cromwell moved to Ely, the small cathedral city isolated on one of the few patches of high ground in the middle of the Cambridgeshire fens. e property which he had inherited from his uncle, Sir omas Steward, and which transformed his nances were located in and around Ely, so it made sense for him to settle there. As a further inducement, the leases which he now held from the dean and chapter of Ely Cathedral came with a house, the building in St Mary’s Street which now bears his name and which, as a museum, commemorates the time he spent there. In 1650 this would be described as,

A aire parsonage howse built with Bricke and Stone and Covered with Tyles, Contayneinge A Hall a palo[u]r a Kitchin, Butterye Larder Milkehowse and other Necessary Roomes with Chambers over them a faire parsonage Barne called the Sextrie Barne standinge within the yard with other necessary Outhowses and Lodgeinges pertayneinge to the Barne called the Grange.1