A lover is changed by his passion into an orthography (Ado II, 3, 21); Hero is married every day to-morrow (ibid. Ill, 1, 101); courtiers are mere fathers of their garments (All’s I, 2, 62), and wear themselves in the cap of the time (ibid. II, 1, 54); Antony, the Roman general, rides an arm-gaunt steed (Ant. I, 5, 48), is charmed by the invisible perfumes of Cleopatra on the river Cydnus (ibid. II, 2, 217); Coriolanus suggests that the parasite’s silk should be made an overture for the war (Cor. I, 9, 46), he sees in the mob a bosom multi­ plied (ibid. Ill, 1, 131) and woolen vassals (ibid. Ill, 2, 9); old Higeon is sorry that his reprieve means nothing more than the procrastination of a lifeless end (Errors I, 1, 159); Adriana scolds her sister for her fool-begged patience (ibid. II, 1, 41) and expects, in case of disloyalty, to have the name of hus­ band hurled in her face (ibid. II, 2, 137); in “ Hamlet” we hear of a great many things that our philosophy never dreamt of, such as disasters in the sun (I, 1, 118), actors who for the law of writ and the liberty are the only men (ibid. II, 2,420), gyves converted into graces (ibid.IV, 7,21), peace standing as a comma between two realms (ibid. V, 2,42); Falstaff has no other injuries in his pockets than tavern reckonings, and such like things (H4 A III, 3, 182), and Prince Hal after ascending the throne is sick of his fool-born jests (H4 B V, 5, 59); Holofernes the schoolmaster enlarges our knowledge by telling us that the hound imitates his master, the ape his keeper, the horse his rider (Love’s Labour’s Lost IV, 2,128); Biron reveals another natural phenomenon, a lady that is not corporal (IV, 3,85); a love poem is a huge translation of hypocrisy (V, 2,51), and the lady Rosalind is going to treat her lover Perttaunt-like (V, 2, 67). Angelo wants to see Claudio killed for a name (Measure for Measure 1,2,173), while some run from breaks of ice and answer none (ibid. II, 1,39); Desdemona elopes at an odd-even hour of the night (Othello 1 ,1,124) and turns out to be an unhandsome warrior in her married life (ibid. Ill, 4 ,151), etc. etc.