The possible impact of the Rapid Mitigation Project on jobs, especially fear of potential job losses from phasing out high emission, carbon-based industries and sectors, is a concern for many. The critique has some validity especially given the scale, intensity, volume, and scope of required changes in energy systems, which definitely create risks towards some existing jobs. A focus on criticising the perceived weaknesses of the transition to employment, however, is unfair, biased and unfounded without duly and closely examining ample opportunities the transition brings. The Project offers new job generation in large numbers in replacement industries although, of course, it accepts that jobs will be phased out in high-emission sectors and in wasteful and unnecessary production. The rapid labour resource mobilisation, from civilian to military pursuits, was possible because almost everybody wanted to work or was looking for new work and because the state instituted policies and programmes that, in effect, forced able-bodied citizens to work in munitions factories.