I concluded the previous chapter by incorporating our theoretical perspectives and empirical findings on migration, religion, and integration into the analytical frame that I presented in Chapter One and engaged with in Chapter Two. While the fundamental principles and normative expectations regarding self and religion within liberal democratic states, and the laws and policies governing religion within liberal democratic state schools provide the frame for articulating reasonable recognition and reasonable accommodation, our investigations into the role of religion in the migration process direct our attention now to what informed recognition and informed accommodation may look like. To couple the two together, or to fully spell out what reasonable and informed recognition and accommodations for religious migrant students means, we need to apply our now “enriched” analytical frame to specific school contexts and specific school practices. The critical matter to address is that there exist opportunities to think about school policy above and beyond the minimal standards set by reasonableness. These opportunities will also open paths toward providing religious migrant students with choices meaningful toward their development of autonomy and their exercise of freedom. The opportunities of course also provide another way in which children (both migrant and non-migrant) are exposed to alternative views of the good.