In March 2012, the Pew Research Center published a very interesting and unique study of international migrants. Rather than focusing principally on such things as the migrants’ occupation, incomes, acquired skills, or levels of formal schooling, the center chose rather to examine religious affiliations. Their report, Faith on the Move, examined patterns of international migration among Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews, as well as adherents of other religions and those who were religiously unaffiliated. Their findings demonstrated that international migrants are on the whole a religious lot. According to the study, 91% of international migrants are religiously affiliated. Perhaps not surprisingly, Christians and Muslims comprise the two largest religious groups since they also comprise the two largest religious groups in the world (Pew Research Center, 2012). However, other faiths are also traveling. Where religious migrants go, and, relatedly, how they integrate into their receiving societies will have significant consequences both for them as newcomers as well as for those who become their neighbors, classmates, colleagues, and friends.