Like Pembroke’s Men, the history of Sussex’s Men is fraught with uncertainty.

Although one of the longest-lived Elizabethan playing companies, frustratingly

little evidence survives concerning who Sussex’s players were, or what plays they

performed. The dearth of evidence is particularly disconcerting because Sussex’s

Men on more than one occasion found itself at or near the center of theatrical

activity; accordingly, Sussex’s role on these occasions can only be guessed at. Yet

what evidence does survive for Sussex’s Men is less equivocal than the surviving

evidence for Pembroke’s Men. For instance, the evidence relating to Sussex’s Men

does not deal with issues like actor names and quarto-folio relationships. As a result,

the circumstantial evidence suggesting Shakespeare’s presence in Sussex’s Men is

clear enough, but there is too little of it to allow for anything more than vague claims

of possibility.