In the late spring and early summer of 1661, 12 presbyterian divines met together with 12 episcopal bishops at what has come to be known as the Savoy conference. They met at the bidding of the newly restored King Charles II to consider revisions to the Book of Common Prayer. The bishops, quite content with the old prayer book, left it to the presbyterians to list their exceptions to the Book of Common Prayer and propose specific revisions. One of the presbyterian representatives, Richard Baxter, retired from the others to draw up entirely new forms of worship. These new forms, which were composed in a fortnight, were published later that year under the title A Petition for Peace: with the Reformation of the Liturgy, as it was presented to the right reverend bishops, by the divines appointed by His Majesties commission to treat with them about the alteration of it.1 This liturgy is known today as the Reformed Liturgy.