‘Understanding the law without appreciating its sociological, psychological, and moral significance is like knowing the recipe of a dessert without appreciating the delicacies of the flavors. The grandeur of law should be appreciated under the light of the magnanimity of the other influences. The poignancy of the law could never do justice to the gravity of the crime. The law might define it as soliciting a favor from someone through the use of force. It is when the imagination manifests the torture and the horrors to life, when the brutality experienced by the body and the soul heightens in valor, does the act achieve its reality and become an abomination. To be deplored, despised, shunned, and prohibited. The understanding of the act is elucidated when God’s anger and the societal rage is aligned. Then the prohibition of God provides a further motivation for the believer not to indulge in the crime and the sin. The resonance between the societal and the religious consciousness is in perfect harmony. The purpose of the law is to clarify the magnitude of the punishment, to settle the dispute, and to establish the abomination of the act such that the immorality of the action is not questioned even by the criminal’.