‘Sometimes you get an insight in the most unlikely of places during unexpected circumstances. Some years ago I had one such experience. I was invited by an Islamic banker for a meeting, someone who had seen the field develop and blossom since its inception. He had seen it all, the zeal of its founders, the critique of the opponents, and the jealousy of friends. The success of the Islamic finance industry, both the sudden and the subtle, had far exceeded his expectations, though not so much his desires. He had reached an age where the last signs of vitality were dissipating quickly, while the first signs of old age had begun to manifest. It was not so much the age but the years spent in the competitive environment that had taken its toll. Witnessing the worst of human nature, the betrayals, the lies, the hypocrisies and deceptions, the feeling of trust seemed most alienated, replace conveniently with skepticism. The years had made him cold, the simple emotions seemed most ludicrous. Solace could only be found with God and so he did. He was fasting that day, sacrificing his desires for the ultimate reality. I walked into his office, a well decorated one with some apparent indulgences. He greeted me with respect, though the implicit detachment and the absence of warmth were obvious. The initial exchange of pleasantries made apparent his impatience; there was much on his mind with time as the obvious betrayer. I started asking him about his success and the institution that he had built. His response was perplexing and amusing’.