Religion and healing are intricately intertwined in a way that stimulates scholarly

interest and concern. In the past few years, scholars within the disciplines of medicine,

epidemiology, psychiatry, anthropology and sociology have occupied themselves

with the study of religion and healing. According to P.S. Yoder, in Africa, social

scientists, for instance, have given increasing attention to exploring the relationship

between healing, medicine, culture and society.1 In Zimbabwe, outstanding scholars

in social studies have contributed on Shona aetiologies of illness and healing.2 In

the field of medicine, significant contributions on Shona medical views and praxis

have been made.3 Whilst the above disciplines of social science and medicine have

already made substantial contributions to our understanding of religion and healing

among the Shona, the subject of religion and healing has captured little attention

in African Traditional Religions in Departments of Religious Studies in African

Universities. Furthermore, virtually nothing has been specifically developed on the

medical views and practices of sub-groups of the Shona people of Zimbabwe from

other disciplines.