It is probably fair to say that much of the emphasis on training programmes today is on the content and delivery of those programmes – what actually happens in the classroom. The bookstores, libraries and databases full of books, articles and ‘how to’ manuals of every description that concentrate on the various tools and techniques for delivering training are clear evidence of this emphasis. Of course, no one would argue that a properly thought-out and welldelivered programme is a key contributor to its success, whatever the influence of other factors on learning transfer. If an appropriate analysis of the skills and knowledge needed has been conducted, the content of the programme will reflect those needs, and will constitute a major element in meeting them. If in addition the design of the programme has been based on principles that optimize the chances for learning transfer, then a significant amount of the work will have been achieved by the end of the programme. So, the focus in

this chapter will be on the principles of learning design and delivery that have the most relevance for the attainment of learning transfer. Understanding these principles should provide a sound basis for choosing the appropriate content, tools and techniques that have been proven to work, rather than leaving participants at the mercy of the trainer’s preferences!