In various works charting the development of postmodernism, Michel Foucault is often examined prior to Jacques Derrida. This is perhaps for two major reasons. First, he died in 1984 and Derrida in 2004. Second, Foucault is often seen more closely connected with French structuralist thought than with the post-structuralist thought typical of Derrida.1 However, I am purposefully considering Foucault’s position subsequent to Derrida for the following reasons: First, despite the significant differences between the two thinkers, I am attempting to show how Foucault fits into my reading of a ‘Derridean’ flavour of deconstruction as it relates to theology. In this sense, then, I wish to present Foucault in light of my reading of Derrida to show how he “deconstructs” dominating systems of thought which greatly shape our theological thinking.2 Although Foucault does not directly refer to Derrida, his notion of power in social relations has been said to be “no less differential or relational” than Derrida’s notion of différance in his critique of the western metaphysical tradition.3