The Beneśvara site has one of the most famous pilgrimage centers for the Bhils. It is widely believedthat the saint Māwajī Mahārājā performed austerities at this place in 1784. His followers today are mostly of the sāda samāj who sing rāsalīlā and āgalvāni. Māwajī Mahārājā is believed to have performed līlās at the Beneśvara “Dhāma” similar to Kṛṣṇa’s Lilas at Gokul and Vrindavan and hence Beneśvara is sometimes referred to as the “Vrindavan of Bāgad.” In Vikram Saṃvat 1771, Māwajī was born at Sabalapuri (Sābala). His father was Dālam Rishi and his mother was Kesar Bai. Māwajī is believed to be a miraculous child who performed several deeds that helped establish his spiritual authority among the villagers. His birth is believed to have been a result of the boon from a yogi. He wrote five texts in the cave of Dholagarh in his exile days that are dispersed in different temples today. The first book, Ratan Sāgar, is at Vishwakarma temple in Banswara, the second book, Sām Sāgar, is at Hari Mandir in Sābala, the third book, Megh Sāgar, is at Hari Mandir in Sheshapur, the fourth book, Prem Sāgar, is at Hari Mandir in Poonjapur, and the fifth book, Anant Sāgar, was stolen during the raids in Bājirav Peshwa. Some of the contemporary kings were Muhammad Shah in Delhi, Bājirav Peshwa in Pune, and Maharaval Ramsingh in Dungarpur. When Māwajī appeared as the saint, the king of Dungarpur was Maharaval Shivsingh and king of Udaipur was Maharana Sangramsingh. Māwajī never adopted any political role and his miraculous power alone helped him emerge as the spiritual leader of the masses. In his adolescent days, he chose Beneśvara as his place for performing the penance in Vikram Saṃvat 1784. Beneśvara Mahadev was his chosen deity, Iṣţa Devatā. Māwajī Mahāraja performed his Rāsleela from the Māgha Shukla Purnima until the fifth day of the month at this site. Since the birth of Māwajī Mahārājā is in the Māgha month’s shukla ekādaśī, his devout followers celebrate the fair at Beneśvara from Māgha shukla ekādaśī to panchami since vikram saṃvat 1797. In 2007 (vikram saṃvat 2063), the 266th anniversary of this fair was celebrated.