In all probability, the progressive miniaturization of technical engineering in the twenty-first century will make the coupling of intelligent machines to the human body more and more inconspicuous. Based on miniaturization strategies, this vision of a technological command of life no longer forebodes a regime of robots and machines demoting people into slavery or technical servitude. The development of “smart” technology has dismissed this opposition between technical science and life. Do we now stand at the beginning of a new technologization of life? This vision, as technically implemented biopolitics, aims to penetrate life with technical artifacts engineered to be invisible. The American electrophysiologist Alan Gevins, for example, considers it likely that a portable EEG device will be developed that is so comfortable and easy to use that the apparatus will become normal apparel:

It’s only a matter of a few years before you won’t even notice that there’s an EEG machine there at all since the electrodes and amps may be built into a baseball cap. No wires will connect the EEG machine to a computer. You and your brain will be like a wireless modem, beaming data about your state of alertness and level of attention and mental effort directly into the computer. 1