Thus, for example, the following quotation refers to knowledge, acquisition and possession of which constitutes part and parcel of financial employees’ work (at transnational corporations, which accounts for the presence of the prefix in question), which, naturally, means that it is a component of their labour power. “an important function of transient professionals is also to network, and accumulate ‘cultural capital’.” (McDowell, 1997), “…as a part of their everyday expatriate experiences. Couched within the new economic geography” (Lee and Wills 1997), “…there has been a myriad of work discussing ‘embedment’, knowledge, expertise, and networks, as ‘global’ processes, which accumulate cultural capital within IFCs” (Amin and Thrift, 1997; Leyshon and Thrift 1997; McDowell 1997). “In this work, emphasis focuses towards investigating organisational cultures of professional staff, their knowledge, and the production/circulation of that knowledge. […] the performance of a financial TNC is also very much linked to the success and speed with which their transient migrants, accumulate/circulate knowledge, expertise and ‘intelligence’ in, and out of, the institutional workplace. […] they had, or could obtain, the specific knowledge, expertise, and skills required to ensure efficient operation of the financial system and global reach of the TNC.” (Altintas 2003).