Though an outgrowth from capitalism, the bold economic and social differences of communism indicated in the above citation presuppose a radical break from the capitalist social order, or, in other words, a negation of capitalism. This negation pertains to all basic premises of the Cmp, encompassing, as already noted, not only a de-commodification of labour power and a supersession of commodity production altogether, but also a dialectical negation of private property. But communism, according to marx, is not merely the ‘abstract’ negation of private property, it is rather the ‘negation of the negation’ of private property (see Bender 1972: 86). moreover, communism is not merely constituted as a negation of market regulation and the law of value.1 it also implies, as already noted, the abolition of all class relations and antagonisms, and the radical reorganization of society by the freely associated producers implies further the abolition of all bourgeois mechanisms of representation entailing a usurpation of all political power. it implies, in the end, the abolition of all political power (see Bender 1972: 239, 263).