In his book Gem in the Lotus: The Seeding of Indian Civilization, Abraham Eraly tells the story of Asoka, Emperor of India some time around 270 BC. In the early years of his reign Asoka had a reputation for cruelty and vindictiveness. But one day he witnessed a sage emerge unscathed FROMAÚREHEHADHADHIMTHROWNINTO4HISLEDTO!SOKAmSCONVERSIONTO"UDDHISMARENOUNCING violence and the setting for himself more noble aims concerning the welfare of all people:

Work I must for the welfare of all the folk, and for that energy and dispatch of business are essential. It is hard to obtain happiness in this World and the next without utmost love for dharma (duty and personal knowledge as enlightenment), utmost self-examination, utmost obedience, utmost fear of sin, and utmost effort …


<RXDUHLQFKDUJHRIWKRXVDQGVRIOLYLQJEHLQJV<RXVKRXOGZLQWKHLUDIIHFWLRQ5HÝHFWRQLWZHOO<RX should strive to practice justice. But this is not possible for one who is envious, lacks perseverance, is cruel and heedless, wants application, is lazy and slack. Ill performance of duty can never gain my regard …

Rather than holding to a belief in what we would today call an established ideology, Asoka turned a humane face to all people, went to other kingdoms to spread his word and asked all people to live simply, sensibly and responsibly:

… medical services have been instituted by Asoka, for the treatment of man and for the treatment RIEHDVWV$QGZKHUHYHUWKH\ZHUHQRZKHUEVWKDWDUHEHQHÜFLDOWRPHQDQGWREHDVWVHYHU\ZKHUH they were cause to be brought and planted; similarly, roots and fruits, wherever lacking, have been planted. On the highways I have had banyan trees planted, to give shade to beasts and men, and I have had mango-groves planted, and I have had wells dug and rest houses built at every half-kos (about 4 km). And numerous watering-places have been provided by me here and there for the comfort of man and beast …

(from Gem in the Lotus: The Seeding of Indian Civilization, by A. Eraly)

How do we respond to Asoka’s examples? How do we apply the ideas we have discussed so FARTOTHESPECIlCSOFCREATIVEBUSINESS#ANWEUSEHISIDEASABOUTDHARMATOSUMUPWHAT WEHAVESAIDSOFARABOUTVALUESNETWORKSANDINNOVATION#ANWElNDCONTEMPORARY examples of creativity that Asoka would recognize as dharma?