It’s 6.30 p.m. on a Friday evening in the early spring, and Scott, who recently celebrated his fortieth ELUWKGD\LVDERXWWROHDYHZRUN6FRWWKDVKDGDGLIÜFXOWZHHNÜOOHGZLWKORQJKRXUVDQGKDLUUDLVLQJ stress. Scott, who is single, is now preparing to go out with some male friends to unwind and share war stories about the week that was. They plan to go to a Japanese restaurant for sushi and sake. As always, Scott and his friends will spend much of their time talking about career goals. All of them will complain about not making enough money; at least one will brag about a recent business coup. They will also compare notes on personal relationships. Afterwards, the men will stop by a club in the hope of meeting some women.