Though the deadening aura of the lawsuit remained over the KPCA during a year of limited activity in 2014, KPCA meetings again focused on the proper reconstruction of Mugasha’s shrine. This had been a constant topic of discussion since Benjamin’s death in 2012. Though the issue was constantly present, it was not until mid-2014 that the committee decided to undertake reconstruction of the shrine. From the time of its initial construction, virtually everyone in Katuruka was aware of its shortcomings. Out of respect for Benjamin, we decided not to act until sufficient time had passed. Moreover, constant termite attacks on the shrine signaled a time to make the change. As we searched for a proper model, I volunteered to provide a photograph of a 1979 reconstruction. I also sent a verbal description of the structure. The result was a perfect replica of the shrine (Fig. 16.1). The symbolic paraphernalia of Mugasha—canoe, paddles and bailing bucket—were also replaced, the originals from 2009 having rotted. This accomplishment, accented by a complete makeover for the Mugasha shrine area, signaled a still strong determination by the committee to carry on its mission and to be responsive to issues of authenticity that had been widely debated in the community.