The model of interpersonal interaction as outlined in chapter two provided the reader with a framework that could help explain human interaction across a wide range of social situations. In explaining such encounters the model emphasises both the situational and the personal variables and, furthermore, points out the importance of both intra-and inter-individual factors as contributors to complex social behaviour. For example, Benjamin (1981, p. 35) suggests that ‘everyone engaging in the helping interview brings along with him attitudes in terms of which he functions’. Such attitudes not only influence the interviewer’s behaviour but must also substantially determine that of the interviewee. A somewhat similar view is taken by Brenner (1981) in his treatment of bias in the research interview. Furthermore, as Farr (1982) points out, the interview can be regarded as a particular type of social encounter, and so the interpersonal interaction model should prove helpful as both a descriptive and predictive paradigm. Indeed its usefulness as the basis of training in communication is well documented (Dickson et al., 1989).