In 1896 Peirce wrote two review articles for the Monist on Ernst Schröder’s Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik. 1 The first review, devoted to the first volume of the Vorlesungen (Schröder 1890) and titled “The Regenerated Logic,” appeared in October 1896 (Peirce 1896). The second, devoted to the third volume of the Vorlesungen (Schröder 1895) and titled “The Logic of Relatives,” appeared in January 1897 (Peirce 1897). “The Regenerated Logic” was written before May 9, 1896, 2 and the manuscript “That Categorical and Hypothetical Propositions are one in essence” 3 is a draft version of it. In this piece Peirce exposes his speculative grammar vis-à-vis Schröder’s: at the heart of the article is an argument intended to show that assertions must be composed of three elements. As such, the argument is, in a very important sense, an anticipation of the argument to the same effect that Peirce would present in “Sundry Logical Conceptions” in 1903 (see infra, §7.1).