The concept of forming an Anglo-Russian Brigade appealed to the moribund British battalions, for here at last was a platform from which they could give constructive support to the Whites. Kolchak’s personal commitment to the scheme was met by an almost total lack of enthusiasm among his staff. It had been intended that the Anglo-Russian Brigade would consist of two regiments, each of four battalions, commanded by British officers and NCOs. The Hampshire Regiment was accordingly deployed to Ekaterinburg to provide the nucleus for the brigade. Colonel Johnson’s enthusiasm provided an indication of the joy which spread through the unit, having at last secured a proper job to restore both regimental pride and sense of purpose. ‘The Hampshire Russian Brigade will be dressed in British uniform, armed with British weapons and drilled in British style with British words of command,’ wrote Johnson. ‘We hope to march into Moscow as conquerors. Hants and Russian Hants together.’