There are few representations of Flemish immigrants in interludes of the latter half of the sixteenth century. Both the anonymous Wealth and Health (c. 1554–5) and Fulwell’s Like Will to Like (1568) feature Flemish immigrants, while several other interludes—Wager’s Enough is as Good as a Feast (c. 1560–70), the anonymous Trial of Treasure (1567), Wapull’s The Tide Tarrieth No Man (1576), and Wilson’s Pedlar’s Prophecy (c. 1561–3) and Three Ladies of London (c. 1581)—attribute problems to the presence of “strangers” in England. In addition, George Gascoigne attempts to represent Flemish culture in his Protestant morality The Glass of Government (1575), which is set in Antwerp. However, long before the composition of these interludes had occurred, John Skelton briefly satirized the Flemish in Magnyfycence (c. 1515–23).