One of the important topics that this investigation into multidisciplinary teams generates is the issue of theorising team structures. Clearly the work carried out on teams in recent years is thorough, considered and worthy of the greatest consideration. However, it is my contention that models of multidisciplinary team work and so forth would benefit from a consideration of research into how roles, knowledge, expertise and communication actually operate in situ. In other words, from the perspective and research observations being advanced here model generation should utilise real wordly data in designing ideal types and templates for policy implementation. The ways in which team members make sense, interact and so forth should form the pragmatic basis though which team design and organisation be built around. The explanatory power of functionalist theorising is not matched by real wordly specifics. The discoverable formal properties of practical reasoning do not sit well with such an edifice. Indeed, a consideration of the ways in which members attempt to accomplish the activities of team work and multidisciplinarity is a valuable resource for evidenced based policy and practice.