The early years of oil in Kuwait, and in the Middle East in general, saw very favourable concessions to the oil companies. Concessions were exclusive in nature, were for long periods and covered large areas; concessionaires generally had a near monopoly and concessions were financed on a royalty basis, giving a limited cash return. As the importance of world oil, and in particular Kuwait’s position within the global oil situation, became apparent there were increasing demands from within for Kuwait to take a more decisive role in her oil economy. Pressure from members of the Kuwaiti parliament and from certain areas of the Kuwaiti press brought issues to national prominence, highlighting issues on which it was felt that Kuwait had been the victim of a poor deal or had been badly treated, and presenting a series of demands to set matters right. Mounting pressure from these quarters and an increased awareness and greater experience in dealing in oil matters in general, particularly in negotiating with the oil companies, led to Kuwait acquiring a more appropriate control of her oil economies.