https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315143361/4c438936-6302-4b93-abcf-7bd7e7c30377/content/unfig4_1.jpg"/> Photo credit: Poonam Kang, 2019 This chapter examines photography and video as ways of seeing and knowing. Exploring different ways visual literacy shapes the qualitative researcher and how the visual arts can be used to collect, interpret, and present qualitative research will be the focus of the chapter (Banks, 2001; Dant, 2004; Flewitt, 2006; Latz & Mulvihill, 2017). In addition, pedagogical exercises that focus on critically reflecting on each stage of visual research will allow students to reflect and become reflexive with regard to their own individual projects. Social media, digital technologies, and the immediacy of creating and sharing visual art has opened whole new vistas for novice researchers including harnessing the potential for social justice projects.